Top 20 countries that can affected by tsunami in next 10 years

To predict the “Top 20 countries that can be affected by tsunami in the next 10 years,” we used a comprehensive approach combining historical data, seismic activity trends, and geological analysis. We analyzed the frequency and magnitude of past earthquakes and tsunamis, particularly those in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Tectonic plate boundaries, known hotspots for seismic activity, were key focal points. Historical recurrence intervals of major seismic events provided a basis for estimating the likelihood of future tsunamis. The next 10 years mean 2024-2034.


We considered the geological setting and the proximity of each country to underwater earthquake zones. The probability of accuracy for these predictions is enhanced by cross-referencing multiple scientific sources and leveraging advanced modeling techniques. However, it’s important to note that while historical data and geological patterns provide strong indicators, the inherent unpredictability of natural events means that exact predictions can never be guaranteed. We aim to highlight the regions at the highest risk and promote preparedness.

Following table include the reasons for above predicted data.

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